Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hi Everyone..

So, have talked with some of you already. My name is Sharon and I'm your Ice Road Co-ordinator, I guess you would call it. Thanks to Sean and Peter for showing me your site that you all use. Will try to keep you up on any new developments that may come up regarding the road. I think most of you have already figured out how to get out to your places by now. My husband Ray and I use "Skead's" landing on the Rat Portage Reserve, well others are using Bare Point, and some are still trying the Treaty way. Leonard Boucha who does our plowing, has not plowed from the main road off Treaty over land at Gages, as he does not prefer to go that way anymore. It is still useable, untill lots of snow falls, then maybe the alternate routes can be used. Leonard is out today, checking the roads, but we're hoping to plow maybe on Thursday, as we hear there is snow forcasted for Wed. For sure it will be cleaned up by the weekend.
Well, I seemed to have filled up this space quite well...can you tell I'm a yapper! Just kidding...
Bye for now........Sharon

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