Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring og 09

Took the town truck off the ice on March 23,the long range forecast is for 10 mm of rain and 21 cm of snow by March 30.Woke up to 1" rain overnight-all snow is off the lake but lots in the bush yet.Here are a few sightings we have seen to date:
March 09 -Eagles
March 14 -heard owls
March 15 -2 raccoons and crows
March 19 -evening grosebeaks
March 21- black birds and our pair of eagles @ East Allie
March 22- 2 geese
March 23- sea gull

1 comment:

peter thiessen said...

geese ,,, we havn't seen geese yet ??? and the lake levels must be raising ??? with all this rain ,,, hope the docks will be ok ,,, pt