Nothing new happening as melt has stalled.Went to town by quad morning of 20th. It was -11c crispy,quad road on top of snow barely leaving a mark. On ride home @ noon it had warmed to +2 and I was breaking through crust but still easy going.
This picture is French Narrows looking North,not a lot of open water and it flashed over with the -11 ,was still froze when I went for a walk @16:30 and about 50 Geese were returning,some did a little wiggle landing on slippery ice.
There is a 10" drain hole on edge of road to East of this picture and the South side of the Little Portage here is now opening up,several drain holes in road on North side. The Elbow and Shammis Narrows are both a little more open than here,Lots of open water in Tranquil Channel.No new arrivals to report. If you double left click on picture you can see Bouys.
Forgot to mention used 16" chain saw to test ice today and either lake has dried up or ice is thicker than I thought!!No water.
do we start with the date you could possibly boat out there ??? I say May 11th ??? it will be late this year ??? pt
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