Thursday, May 12, 2022

Update on Thaw

 Laurenson Lake in Town is ice free as of yesterday, when that happens we are still 3-10 days before I can boat to Barepoint. After lunch I went for a boat ride and was disappointed that I couldn’t get as far as I thought. I had expected to make Cat Island but could not get past Railroad island  to North, Moore Bay still shore to shore ice with ice measuring 8.5” thick there and I could have walked the ice road! could not get around North side Queer island but could navigate the boat channel around South side. The ice on stretch Allan’s Reef is white/solid. Cannot navigate the South side of Barrier Islands and ice as far as you can see looking towards Yellowgirl .  In my travels I came across 2 floating docks the nicest one was up on rocks small island West Kelly’s Boot so I started towing it to nearest dock to secure, that’s when I noticed it was a Docks and Lifts floater and they write the customers name on end steel , I recognize the name and towed it to their place on Pipestone, the other one I tied to a dock on Queer. There is a lot debris floating around. Today I can walk out on my dock wearing shoes but at rate it’s coming up will need rubber boots tomorrow ? I’ve cancelled my Winnipeg trip for tomorrow and going back to my first prediction of reaching Barepoint May 17.


Anonymous said...

And more rain coming ,,, 2” maybe in Manitoba ,,, not great news

And May long weekend looks like a weekend at home in Winnipeg ,,,
maybe June we can make it out there and check out our docks

Thanks again for news around our “homes” out in French narrow ,,, pt

Michelle Nick said...

We are going to try and get out tomorrow.