Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Spring Update

 April 25 th goes in book as day I can canoe across to East Allie without touching ice ! Looked back at diaries and when this happens it’s anywhere from 7 days to 23 days we can boat to Barepoint. The last snow has melted off on land with some winter snow still hanging in shaded areas in bush .But it has left a protective cover on ice and this is reflecting sun. Another problem is with minus temperatures at night and calm winds we are still making ice and it takes till afternoon to melt. My first guess was May 05 then I revised it to May 13 after getting 8” snow, with cooler long range forecast I’ll stick with the latter.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope we can make it out before the 13th. Please keep us updated about the ice conditions! Thanks.

peter thiessen said...

Hot weather coming this week ,,, maybe earlier lake season than predicted ,,, hope so
