Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From Sharon

Hey Guys.....

So, tonight in our local newspaper, Chief Ken Skead announced that he will be setting up roadblocks again, and charging $15.00 a day, to use the access points onto the ice roads via, PowWow or Bare Point(which does not go our way). This is all news to me, as Leonard indicated the other day, that the Chief was real pleased that the traffic had slowed down on the reserve.

This is just to let you know at this point, as Peter I read your email, where you said you still had materials to get to your camp. Treaty Island was absolutely terrible last night.
It was like a skating rink! I will be talking to Leonard again, to find out if anyone will be sanding it, like maybe the contractors that are using it more than others. If I hear anything before the weekend, I will let you know. Your option is, for $15.00/day you can still use PowWow.


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