Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dec 6th update

I was out on the ice boat this afternoon and checking ice. Not the greatest news! We have 5 inches at our place and where I took these pictures there is 7 inches. From here I went to Moore Bay Lodge, and there was open water in the same location as where last years ice road was. We have heard that Bare Point Marina is still open water, that is from Terry Lunny and he drives the road every day to check. Will keep you all updated.


peter thiessen said...

nice and cold here now !!! it'll be freezing now ??? pt

peter thiessen said...

i see the ice boat is up and running ,,, i guess that's the only mode with these ice conditions ??? how about the plane ,,, it should be good to go ,,, from your place ,,, take the camera up there ,,, pt