Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is the earliest we have taken truck off the lake.Yesterday it took us 3hrs to go 1 mile,at one point we had 2 trucks stuck. Both vehicles had chains on rear tires,the problem was the water was 16" deep with 3" thick ice chunks that would jam up underneath the vehicles and then we were hung up.Worst section of the road was on the South side of the French Narrows Portage. We will drive sleds from house to BarePoint,in some places in French Narrows area the slush under snow is so deep your stuck as soon as you leave packed trail ! Counted 5 Bald Eagles in Dorian Marsh last week.


peter thiessen said...

5 eagles ,,, that's means spring is coming ??? pt

Unknown said...

What's happening down there now ? Any more signs of an early ice-off or a guesstimate of a date of ice-off ?

B Allan