Wednesday, April 12, 2023

First Spring Report


This picture was of our road April 11, sunny,calm, 13c just perfect day. There is 3” water on top ice, ice looks like Swiss Cheese full of holes ranging from 1-10” diameter, ice is 18” thick. Today’s high is 15c and if sun comes out should melt last snow off ice ? There is still about 12” snow in bush, yesterday morning a patch grass 10” diameter appeared , by this morning its 8’ diameter. So far it’s been a very sunny, calm spring but that changes this week with 1” rain forecast. We took our truck off ice  April 02 ahead of the 12” snow dump. But I heard there is still truck traffic off Ministry Landing. I have to make a run to Barepoint this week but will be by snowmobile. With French Narrow opening up more geese are arriving with 2 seagulls on Monday. Too early to tell but first prediction is to boat town May 07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But can predict the lake level appropriately ,,, over top of docks again ,,, or dock’s looking ok to start the season ??? At least
