The people and the happenings of the French Narrows region of Lake of the Woods.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ice thickness
Still can not get past the 2nd green buoy @ Frezzell's, that is were I picked up this piece of ice for Happy Hour(3 7/8").Ice was pretty black(3rd time-so stay off!!) The female Loon's arrived today-lots of calling back and forth.
should you be eating and drinking this untreated water/ice ,,, just want to not to be sick out there on your own ,,, maybe one more week ??? c u soon ,,, pt
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should you be eating and drinking this untreated water/ice ,,, just want to not to be sick out there on your own ,,, maybe one more week ??? c u soon ,,, pt
The whiskey should kill anything in the water-I hope???
you are going to get beaver fever ric ,,, only the 2 of you on the island ,,, poor deb ??? beaver fever !!!!!!!!!!!!! pt
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