Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lynx sighting

Spotted this lynx coming off the tip of East Allie around 15:00 on the 20th. and walking over to the Island south of us. He walked the length of that island and headed north to French Narrows about an hour later.Have seen his tracks in winter,this is the first sighting.Flying in to Bare Point on ski's this morning.Still 24" ice were I park plane but had to build a bridge to get quad onto ice .Will post a picture of ice with a report later today.

1 comment:

peter thiessen said...

maybe my may 2nd date was wishfull thinking ??? maybe a week later ??? 24" sounds like a lot of ice to melt ??? hopefully hot weather is on the way ??? lots of questions no answers ??? but a big cat that's a good story !!! very rare !!! thanks for all the info ,,, pt